Teaching your children how to goal set is a life skill that will help them achieve in all aspects of their lives. Goal setting is a powerful tool that any child can learn and put into practice.

Using this easy to follow SIX STEP action plan, you and your child will learn how to goal set effectively for SUCCESS.

The first step is to allow your child ownership and autonomy on their goal. It cannot be a goal you set for them as they will not have ‘buy in’ or be motivated to achieve if they did not come up with their goal. When setting a goal- the most important part is that goals MUST be specific, measurable and achievable- this will allow your child to track their progress and to identify when they achieve the goal.

Step two is to identify the purpose or the WHY behind the goal. Asking your child questions such as “What is driving this goal?” “Why does it matter?” When children identify the purpose behind their goal, they become increasingly motivated to achieve.

Step three is to discuss their goal and how it may benefit others. Using questions such as “How can your goal help others?” “What could achieving your goal do for your friends/family?” Teaching your children to be aware of others even when working towards an individual goal will allow your child to think outside their bubble of self. This will encourage and develop kindness and selflessness.

Step four is to start planning for action. This entails writing down the steps they need to take to achieve their goal. The benefit of writing small steps is to allow ‘quick wins’ for your child. ‘Quick wins’ build confidence and motivation to continue to work towards their goals.

Step five is identifying possible blockers that may get in the way of achieving their goal. Blockers are part of our everyday, teaching your children how to plan to overcome them will encourage motivation and they will be more inclined to continue forward after a setback. Discussing the possible solutions for potential blockers will assist your child with the mentality of ‘never giving up’. You can also discuss different scenarios you have had set backs to model and motivate how you have kept going to achieve your goals.

Finally step six is to CELEBRATE! When your child achieves their goal, you must focus and celebrate the process of how they achieved, not just on the outcome. By encouraging and discussing the process and effort, children will continue to develop their ‘grit’ and understanding of working hard towards their goals.


